要說 21 世紀臺灣汽車失竊排行榜第一名,國產 CAMRY 應該很有本錢與沒有防盜器的馬 3 一較高下。然而國產 CAMRY 與 ALTIS、馬 3 的「供應鍊」大不相同,這種中大型轎車深受海外喜愛,若只是在台灣拆卸零件實在比不上「外銷」的賺頭,因此當時很流行一句話:只要 CAMRY、CEFIRO 早上在台灣失竊,當天晚上就會在深圳郊區出沒了。


隨著在大陸 long stay,加上各路街拍好漢,台版 CEFIRO 已經不是什麼新鮮玩意兒,甚至我也親眼目睹過兩次,還有一次有機會到車旁「驗明正身」,的的確確是裕隆三義廠房下線的 CEFIRO。在此同時,大陸車友也陸續傳來各種奇奇怪怪的「臺灣貨色」,包括 VIRAGE、SAVRIN 乃至於 DELICA,去年我也在長春逮到更莫名其妙的豬鼻 GALANT,真不知到底是「客戶指定購買」,還是「貨進錯了」,怎麼挑這些冷門車「外銷」?


(As the economy growing, the demand of automobiles also incresed in recent 20 years in Mainland China . Obviously, to import from neighbors is the easieet way to satisfy the hungry market. Thus, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even Siberia became the automobile offers. Most of stolen cars there in 90's were sent to Mainland China to build underground foreign exchange reservation. Many poor seaside cities took the job and made a well profit. Surprisingly, most of such works was led by local government.


Last fifteen years, the top stolen cars in Taiwan also exported to Mainland China. my friends in Mainland and I have already seen many Taiwan version CEFIRO. And there are still some Taiwan-made MITSUBISHI motors shown in Mainland. To my curiousity, ACV30 CAMRY was a hot-stolen car but barely to see it outside of Taiwan. People said that ACV30 CAMRYs mainly offered to Philippine and Kampuchea where are the same Left-Hand Drive country as Taiwan. But I still believe some or most of the stolen ACV30 CAMRY made in Taiwan came to Mainland as those CEFIRO. After years of searching, I got one just this morning!)

然而,失竊排行榜寶座的 CAMRY,卻始終在海外無消無息。有一說是 CAMRY 幾乎都被東南亞「買斷」,但是東南亞除菲律賓與柬埔寨以外,幾乎都是右駕地區,而且當地消費力也不應該吃得下這麼大的「貨源」。相較起來,大陸顯然更具有潛力,但一直以來不管是車友街拍或者二手車市場,台版 CAMRY 在大陸也是不見蹤影,難道這些車全部沈在巴士海峽嗎?


今天一早,還沈浸在「差一分就拿到駕照」的低迷心情當中,坐著車打算去暴飲暴食一番。車子經過全東亞最大的二手車交易市場「花鄉」,也沒精神下去獵殺,一心只想早點回去痛吃一頓。此時經過某公家機關,一台 CAMRY 的車尾頓時吸引了我的注意!沒錯,肯定錯不了!雖然說大陸的 ACV30 也滿普遍的,而且日規 CAMRY 尾燈與台規的有某程度雷同,但畢竟平常在台灣 CAMRY 開慣了,只要瞥見一眼一定不會錯。於是趕緊就近下車,直接衝過去。

沒錯!與家裡的 CAMRY 真是一模一樣!標準的金色 2.0E 前期版本。仔細一點可以發現,這裡是派出所,地點有些敏感,但好奇心驅使下還是湊進一點看了下





同樣都是開 CAMRY 的,看到這台車我也在想,能不能把這台車「物歸原主」?進去派出所打聽些消息?我後來當然沒有這麼做,畢竟大陸的風俗習慣與臺灣不同,我隨便一個人這樣跑進去肯定會被攆出來,倒楣一點還會被盤查半天外加搜身。而且就算這台車確實來路不明,公安也不可能讓我記下相關編號回臺灣比對。在大陸公安的眼裡,能少一事就少一事,遇到這種來路不明的車子,最後就是送報廢場,或者看哪裡缺車的就拿去用。在大陸混這麼久,也沒聽說過有哪一台臺灣「外銷」過去的車後來「遣返」回台的,所以,這台 CAMRY 注定得「客死異鄉」了...

(The CAMRY shown in the photo is just the same as the one I drive in Taiwan. A thought came up that if I could send this CAMRY back to the accurate owner. Under the government system and attitude, I have no choice but give up. It is impossible to make it done. As I could image, this Taiwan-made CAMRY would spend its rest life in Mainland. Hoops...)


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