上週六辦完第 42 次車聚,大家意猶未盡,站在外頭繼續聊天,我的眼睛不時被停在路旁的某台「E60」給吸引住,總覺得這台 E60 很特別,但又說不出是哪裡,好像哪裡怪怪的...

(We all know that Brillance Auto corporates with BMW to product 3-Series and 5-Series in ShenYang in China. But it seems that this corporation didn'n help much for Brillance Auto except Advertisement. Althought the product of Brillace Auto has no relation with BMW so far, the smart China designer made a good job by design a BMW-like exterior for the 2011 Brillance 駿傑.)

嗯,引擎蓋的線條不太對,C 柱與鋁圈也不搭調



原來是一台華晨駿傑改的,車頭車尾都沒放過。但最有趣的還是引擎蓋上的 logo

顯然這位車主相當有品味喔!不忘安上一只 ALPINA


華晨汽車與德國 BMW 在 2001 年開始合作,生產 E46 轎車。不過合作這麼久,華晨始終只能打著「BMW 級生產線」,對於 BMW 的生產技術倒是一直沒有學到皮毛。所以華晨乾脆搬出大陸人最厲害的一招:抄。看過今年上海車展應該對這台車有印象吧!


(Appearentally, the Brillance Auto didn't make a good work as the black 駿傑's owner. Take a look at the tail. He uses exactly E60's taillamps on it. And also set an ALPINE logo on engine hood. What a good idea to combine BMW into Brillance Auto. The following are another to "BMW design" made by Taiwanese. Please take a look!)



街頭獵殺(台南市):這台 BMW 怪怪的


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