
一汽紅旗一直以來都是大陸中央欽點的領導人座車,一汽紅旗第一款作品 CA770 從 1955 年一直生產到 1998 年,最後因為被排污、噪音等法規強制停產,一共生產了 30 多年,這個記錄在大陸也應該是「牢不可破」了。


有關於 CA770 的後繼車發展,先前在 一汽紅旗 HQ3 敞篷車 / FAW-HongQi HQ3 Open-Car 已經講過一些梗概。CA770 的第一台後繼車 CA7460 因為當時美國炸了南斯拉夫中國大陸大使館,所以根本沒有哪個政府機關敢用美國車;而 HQ3 在某些程度又顯得不夠氣派,尤其 CA7460 以及 HQ3 說白了都是外國產品,拿來閱兵什麼的實在不合適,於是中南海下令一汽必須自主研發出一台可以順理成章接替 CA770 的後繼車。


這個計劃其實在 HQ3 開發階段就已經在進行,但因為一汽自從 CA770 之後再也沒有自主研發汽車,早就沒有這種能力,這種情況下最簡便的方法就是一個字「抄」。既然是旗艦車型,就拿最頂級的 Rolls-Royce 來吧!據聞一汽當時至少拆光了三台 Phantom「師法」,於 2005 年上海車展推出驚豔四座的「HQD」。


由於 HQD 實在太山寨了,國務院看到車之後差點昏倒,因為這款後繼車必須要在 60 週年大典上亮相,以這種山寨外觀出現實在很不妥,於是立即要求一汽修改車身。一汽想來想去,還是乾脆把老 CA770 的外觀附上去,加一些現代化的修飾之後,中南海以及國務院終於點頭,也就在 2009 年的閱兵典禮上亮相,而這款車就叫做 CA7600J。

(CA770 is the flagship in Mainland China for last 50 years. Although CA770 is totally designed and built by FAW, CA770 is too old and polluated by now. The final CA770 went off the production line at 1998. Surprisingly, FAW doesn't have the ability to make a new successor by themself. Thus, CA7460, HQ3 were released for the replacement of CA770. Not matter CA7460 or HQ3 was foreign automobile. It is not suitable for formal affaris. "Zhongnanhai" as for Chinese White House asked FAW to build something "better". Without building ability, FAW chose the fastest way: make a copy of Rolls-Royce. In 2005 Shanghai Car Show, FAW presents new concept for the flagship: HQD ("D" means the forth HongQi since CA770, CA7460, HQ3). HQD in entirely pirated from Rolls-Royce Phantom. Everyone made the negative attitude toward it. Zhongnanhai also objected this idea and ordered FAW fix it as soon as possible because this model would be presented at 60th Anniversary for PRC.


FAW knew that pirating another object couldn't work. The had no choice but trying hard to maintance the facotrs of old CA770. In less than one year, the facelift of HQD was finished. It could be described as the modern version of CA770. Zhongnanhai also apporved this work. This new model was named CA7600J. "CA" means ChangChun Automobile. 7 means passenger car and 600 means the capacity is 6000 c.c. The last letter "J" is hard to figure out by foreigners. It repersents "JianYue" which means military review in Chinese.)





CA7600J 據說只打造了 18 台,全部供給中南海使用。也曾經一度傳出一汽開價 830 萬 RMB 讓非政府人士購買。但講白了,830 萬的售價固然打破歷來大陸國產車的紀錄,但一汽賣這種價格可以說是賣一台賠五台,畢竟這是一台防彈、手工打造的車,研發費用以及製作成本,一台車賣到上億都不算誇張。而且還有一個更大的問題,誰敢買?買了不就等於宣示「功高震主」?君不見蘇寧電器、天通苑老闆最後的下場是哪裡去了?


然而,這四張照片又讓人感到迷惑,這是在北京的車管所外頭拍的,顯然這台 CA7600J 是要來領牌。但問題是,從盤古開天地以來,中南海的車不曾到車管所報到過,2009 年那兩台 CA7600J 更是北京車管所的人直接跑到長春一汽廠房裡面上牌之後,一路秘密護送進中南海,之所以要這麼周折是因為中南海根本不讓車管所的人踏進去,車管所哪根蔥呀?所以這台 CA7600J 出現在這種地方顯得匪夷所思了,而且在場的拖車、工作人員也感覺與政府機關八竿子打不著,就是平常到不行的拖車人員而已。莫非真有人花下 830 萬向一汽買了這玩意兒以「震主」?

(FAW said that there are only 18 pics of CA7600J made. All of them were sent to Zhongnanhai secretly for security purpose. Some automobile media said that FAW askes 8,300,000RMB for MSRP, which is the new record for Mainland-made automobile. It seems that spend 8.3 million RMB to buy a V12-engined, bullet-proof armed Limousine is not ridiculous. Actually this price would make FAW suffer a goo deal of loss. Total cost of the developement of CA7600J should be more than 0.1 trillion RMB. What's more, CA7600J is made for Government use. CA7600J shou;d not be sold to public according to the underground-regulation in Mainland. These four pictures were taken at Beijing Vehicle Office. It seemed that this CA7600J was towed for check or license. That is confused because government, especially Zhongnanhai, never went to this place for such procedure. Maybe one comment person who is very rich bought this car. Buying a car as the president in China could be lethal!)

<很山寨的 HQD / HQD concept>


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