
臺灣第一款 CROSSOVER 複合式轎車應該是大慶極少量導入的第一代 FORESTER,但大慶跟和泰一樣倒楣,趕在週休二日實施前發表這種休閒車款,加上報價偏高,這批 FORESTER 賣得甚至比 Outback 2.2 還差勁。接著陸陸續續有歐系的 XC70 與 Allroad 叩關,儘管實用性很高,但價格也很高,僅成為少數人的玩物。


除非把兩廂半的車都算進來,第一款「平價」的 CROSSOVER 才能由第一代 PREMACY 擔綱。PREMACY 靠著品牌光環以及優質的文宣,在市場上橫掃千軍。但 PREMACY 要擠下七個人實在是很勉強,而且車身 size 也與「休旅」有一段差距;如果把定義嚴格化,第一款平價的 CROSSOVER,即為太古於 2000 年導入的 KIA JOICE。


KIA JOICE 內部空間又比一代 FORESTER 更加充實(PREMACY 只有一邊涼快的份),配備上也比 SUBARU 人性化的多。恆溫、真皮座椅、核桃木紋飾版、單安全氣囊這些東西全上,價格竟然不到台幣 80 萬,算是實惠到不行的一款 CROSSOVER 休旅車。

(CROSSOVER should qualified as the following: roomy as MPV, length as touring, drivetain as Sedan, height less than SUV.


The first CROSSOVER in Taiwan is the first generation SUBARU FORESTER. It has all the mentioned features and powerful boxer engine. Too bad is customers could accept such recreation vehicle at that time. What's more, FORESTER was sold as more that NT$1,000,000. People wouldn't spend so much for the new type fo vehicle.


KIA JOICE is the second CROSSOVER presented in Taiwan. Without powerful engine, JOICE had a kindly price tag. But it was made by KIA. So far, major customers still couldn't accept Korean product. JOICE faced the selling barrier was not surprising.)

CROSSOVER 實用歸實用,在本地「數大便是美」的邏輯下,要買休旅車,同常只考慮 SUV 或者 MPV,介於其中的 CROSSOVER 顯得不上不下,所以有 80 萬大洋的消費者,多半還是投往 CR-V 的懷抱,加上韓國品牌使然,JOICE 戰鬥力強是強,但銷售表現在整個 KIA 品牌當中算是墊底的。


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