TOYOTA CAMRY Hybrid 是從 ACV40 開始正式推出,之前的 ACV30 僅有概念車與實驗車。一開始 ACV40 CAMRY Hybrid 與 ACCORD Hybird 打得不可開交,不過很快就分出高下,ACCORD Hybrid 被打得差一點宣告停產。臺灣這邊也一度傳出說和泰將試探性進口或者在台灣組裝 CAMRY Hybrid,但最後都被證實是空穴來風。
(TOYOTA started its Hybrid family since 1997, the TOYOTA PRIUS. Later in 1999, TOYOTA presented CROWN Hybrid. But sold very few. In 2001, TOYOTA adds Hybrid into the first generation ALPHARD line. There was not obvious help on the selling. In contrast, the PRIUS's waiting line was keeping full.
The first Hybrid CAMRY joined to ACV40. TOYOTA also designed a new front grill and taillamp for Hybrid CAMRY. Taiwan Version CAMRY is from Australlia TOYOTA AURION. The AURION Hybrid's taillamp is the same size as Taiwan Camry's. But there is totally different wires and insided-lamps. It seems somone overcame this problem.)
為了鑑別出 Hybrid,豐田為 CAMRY Hybrid 設計了一款很別緻的水箱罩以及車尾燈,遠看就像是尾燈已經破了一般。雖然 Hybrid 尾燈造型與一般版本尾燈雷同,但裡面的燈組、接線完全是兩回事。
拜廣汽投產 Hybrid,現在要在大陸找一組 CAMRY Hybird 版尾燈不算難,價格甚至比在台灣買一組全新的一般版尾燈還便宜,不過就是接線這方面比較傷腦筋些。但從越來越多人拍到這組尾燈在路上晃來看,沒什麼難得倒萬難的臺灣人的。
街頭獵殺:TOYOTA ACV40 CAMRY Hybrid
稀有車:TOYOTA ACV30 CAMRY Limousine