

裕隆速利 303 是裕隆少數擁有自主權的日產車型,由於生產週期長,幾乎除引擎變速箱以外所有零件都在台灣生產,本來裕隆也打算以此進軍大陸,協同飛羚 101 貨車版本在南京生產,但據傳是政治因素從中干涉,飛羚僅有少數幾台樣車參與大陸當地車展與前期評估(可參考1990 年廈門車展的台灣國產車!),然而速利 303 因為產品成熟度較高,反而因為南京合作案吸引其他合作伙伴眼光。



據消息指出,303 模具並不是由裕隆官方主導移往大陸,而是少部分人將汰換下來的 303 生產設備,以分批運送方式運到大陸。當時裕隆也不看好這件事而袖手旁觀。果然模具一到大陸,根本找不到合作對象,因為當時能生產轎車的地方只有「三大三小」,這六處各自已有合作對象。最後這批模具輾轉流到東北的哈飛汽車,因為哈飛當時與三菱合作生產貨車引擎,也可以搭載於速利這台車上,是以哈飛以低價承接模具之後便進行生產。




但是哈飛不屬於「三大三小」其中一員,按照國務院規定只能生產貨車,是以當哈飛將搭載三菱引擎的速利 303 以 HFJ7103 名義送審時,當然被打回票,加上速利 303 無論如何是不可能改成「6」字輩的貨車進行闖關,是以 HFJ7103 應該只試製一批,多數留在東北,亦有在廣東出沒之紀錄,畢竟當時就算國產車沒有登上國家目錄,要上牌照還不是件太困難的事情。不過相對的,哈飛的動作也不能太大,是以生產一批之後,模具就封存起來。




既然是用臺灣裕隆模具生產,理論上這批 HFJ7103 裡裡外外除引擎變速箱以外應該與台版無異。照片這台是一群熱血車友近幾年拍攝的,地點已經不可考。但其外觀車況可說是目前已經發現的 HFJ7103 當中最棒的,或許目前還健在。



Yue-loong (A.K.A.: YL) planned to join mainland market by Feeling 101 in late 80's. YL contacted YueJin at very first. This cooperation met two problems. First, YueJin has no idea how to produce passenger cars because they never did it before, there were many problems during communication. Second, Taiwan government wasn't happy to see YL investing mainland due to straight crisis around early 90's. YL had no choice but gave it up. Later, the vice president of FuJen (福建) province planned to build local heavy industry by produce automobile. This guy is Jia ChinLin (賈慶林), who is vice president in China mainland now. Jia offered a great benefit and help to attract YL invest in FuJen. That was the begining of DongNan Automobile. 



After market analyse, DongNan realized that passenger cars had very small market in China. The SanDaSanXiao policy also made it very difficult to produce Feeling there. What's more, due to the poor quality, Feeling 101 and 102 suffered bad reputation and market selling. YL decided to cancel this segment after Arex big sale at the end of 1994. Obviously, there was no chance to build Feeling in China mainland. YL gave it up at all.




There was a rumor said that YueJin had some interesting in YLN303(SuLi 303). During negotiation, YL brought some sample of YLN303 to YueJin and impressed YueJin. However, YL gave up to cooperate with YueJin due to the reason above. But some YL members who joined this process thought it could made some extra profit if cooperate with YueJin to produce YLN303 unofficially. After YL dropped YLN303 in Taiwan, these guys tried to smuggle all of the YLN303 production parts, machines to mainland. However , when they met YueJin again, YueJin refused to buy this parts and machines to produce passenger cars. They had no idea but to sell them as soon as possible. Under someone's help, HaFei bought all of them.



Due to SanDaSanXiao, HaFei also failed to get the license to produce passenger cars after bought them. HaFei just produced a very little amount of HFJ7130 and sold underground. It is said that HFJ7130 was only sold in HeiLongJiang(黑龍江) province and replaced the original NISSAN A12 engine by unknown Japanese small engine.







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