LOTUS,俗稱「蓮花」。這個廠牌名稱與創辦人到底有什麼關係,流傳比較多的說法是 Chapman 自宅院裡有一座水池,見到池中的蓮花而生。不過還有一則有趣的小道消息是說,一開始 Chapman 的產品銷路奇差,Chapman 決定取一個商標,索性就把眼前所見之景融入:「LOTs of Unsold Cars」,拼起來剛好是「LOTUS」。


蓮花與本地的緣分不算太淺,在早年有美軍自行攜入 Elan 的紀錄,據聞 Europa 也曾經到過臺灣,但此消息不可考。真正打開知名度的,還是三信代理時期,畢竟蓮花有個英國光環,加上售價遠比 Ferrari 來得低,以及當年某些暴發戶的「加持」,很快的蓮花就成為家喻戶曉的品牌。可惜蓮花的代理事物隨著三信解體而告終,這段期間光是 Ferrari 都沒人敢接總代理,何況是蓮花,所以 LOTUS 重回臺灣之路也就顯得艱辛。


在連番與 Bentley/Aston Martin 失之交臂後,Gama 動作更加積極,搶下 LOTUS 這個品牌的代理權,結束十年的代理真空。然而,現在這時候的 LOTUS,早已成為四不像。首先,蓮花到底算是哪個國家的?馬來西亞有個 PROTON-LOTUS,這將有個「Youngman-LOTUS」,Elise 有一狗票 TOYOTA CELICA 的零件,LOTUS 是不是也如同 Koeinigsegg、Pagani 般的淪為拼裝車?二來,在目前 PORSCHE/Ferrari 建立起的嚴密陣線,LOTUS 是否還有生存空間?單靠「純粹操控機器」還能在市場當中立足嗎?Anyway,GAMA-LOTUS 還是經營了好一陣子,路上也偶爾能見到新款的 ELISE 噴噴叫,還是有這麼樣的市場存在吧!


(The name "LOTUS" represents light-weighted with performance. It is so famous that almost ever person could figure this sports car. But everone couldn't get known where LOTUS belongs to. As I know, the Malaysia Company, PROTON, bought it in last Century. Later, the China Coporation, Youngman Motor, bought the PROTON and declared the new name for its passanger car brand: Youngman-LOTUS. Somehow, Youngman-LOTUS doesn't present any LOTUS vehicle. And even Youngman-LOTUS has nothing to do with LOTUS imported to Mainland China. It is believed that new LOTUS is built in Europe Factory. So far, LOTUS maintains its european legacy.


LOTUS was once imported to Taiwan in 20 years ago. ESPRIT gained eyesight by the movie "Pretty Woman". As the New ELAN failed, this brand faced a selling-decreasing in Taiwan, too. The last LOTUS imported is a blue Esprit S4. Later, the dealer of LOTUS Taiwan closed.


Although there was no importer, someone still tried hard to reach one. A parallel dealer imported an ESPRIT GT3 here. But without accessories and technique support, this GT3 is sleeping in the second-hand dealer for a long time.


In 2008, there is a all-new LOTUS importer in Taiwan, the GAMA-LOTUS. GAMA was (actually now so on) a Luxury car parallel dealer in Taiwan. GAMA reached the Lamborghini authority in 2006. The LOTUS is the second brand by GAMA.


GAMA held a small show for its family, including EXIGE S, EVORA, EVORA S. Let's take a look.)

這幾天,GAMA-LOTUS 與剛開幕不久的 Bella-Vita 合作,於中庭舉辦展覽,將所有引進的車款:EVORA、EXIGE 通通請出來,儘管每款車都很嬌小,但放射狀擺起來還是滿有看頭的。

EVORA 是 LOTUS 近年最重要的作品,但還是擺脫不掉拼裝車以及手工車的疑慮

水藍色的 EVORA,這種配色在 LOTUS 還是頭一次見


史上最難開的 EXIGE S,最終進化版本



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