
SIENNA 是一款定位很特別的車。在豐田的 MPV 產線當中,NOAH 是中型家庭 MPV,PREVIA/ESTIMA 是中大型家用與商用 MPV,ALPHARD 是頂級商用 MPV,SIENNA 則是大型家用 MPV。這種說法當然是有些杆格,所以全世界沒有任何一個地方同時由豐田代理商引進這幾台車開賣。相對的,如果有水貨商導入,整個定位就會產生微妙變化。

(The market location of TOYOTA SIENNA is special to discuss it. Among the MPV products in TOYOTA, NOAH/VOXY is medium family MPV. PREVIA/ESTIMA is medium-large family MPV. ALPHARD is top-business MPV and SIENNA is full-size family MPV. However, there would be some problem in such intrduction. That is, there is no any country imports all these MPVs by TOYOTA dealer in the world. If parallel merchant exists, the above MPV line would be quite complicate.)


以臺灣為例,ALPHARD 顯然與 SIENNA 定位重疊。本來在北美是全家出遊的 SIENNA,來到臺灣卻成為政客跑攤、商務接客的豪華選擇。確實,SIENNA 做起來的舒適度是比 PREVIA 略勝一籌,但又沒有到 ALPHARD 的水準,然而 SIENNA 整體空間表現則是壓過所有豐田 MPV,僅次於全尺碼 SUV:SEQUOIA。所以 SIENNA 這麼一款車還是有辦法在小眾市場上取得一席之地,成為目前豐田水貨車的最大宗。

(Take Taiwan for instance, ALPHARD would conflict with SIENNA. SIENNA is a deal for family transportation. But it bcomes politician or business helper in Taiwan. In fact, SIENNA is more comfortable than PREVIA but less than ALPHARD. But SIENNA is most spacious among all MPV in TOYOTA except full-size SUV:SEQUOIA. That makes a good position for SIENNA in Taiwan and reaches the best-sold parallel TOYOTA here.)




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