1985, the first Japanese luxury automobile brand "ACURA" premiered in USA. ACURA is built for Luxury and Sporty. But after years of tests in market, ACURA suffers the same problem as INFINITI: image. The image given by market is not as well as what the manufacture wanted. ACURA is not closely relate to LUXURY by the market. Some of automobile magazines even negelect this brand when they held the group test at luxury segement. ACURA was located as sporty brand but not luxury brand now.
Actually, there was not such LUXURY cars among the former ACURA products. For example, RL/Legend maybe the flagship in HONDA Japan. Comapring to rivals in North America, RL is like a boat located in Cruisers. No matter 3.5l or 3.7l is too small for the USA market, not to mention the V6 power unit. What ACURA needs is not a big capacity monster. Since the image of ACURA is here, it requires something to enhance this idea. ZDX is the one I think the most appropriate.
(ACURA 這個品牌成立至今 20 多年,從一開始的單純日本本田雙生的模式,ACURA 逐漸找尋出自己一套獨立的設計邏輯,不再讓人覺得只是日本本田換個 logo 過來騙錢的。
這幾年 ACURA 走的是「古代盾牌」的設計路線,每台車的車頭都有讓人為之驚豔的水箱罩以及頭燈,或許也因為是這樣,ACURA 在市場不是很吃香,加上與原型車售價落差太大,除北美以外,幾乎都是陷入苦戰,甚至唯一右駕 ACURA 發售地:香港,也在 2006 年宣告退出。
ZDX 是 ACURA 思考定位轉型的一款實驗性產品。雖然 ZDX 是基於 ACCORD CROSSTOURER 下去開發的雙生車,但 ZDX 外觀給人完全不同的感受,某程度也可以說比 X6 更加前衛,尤其 ACURA 首度加上後門隱藏門把,讓這台車比 X6 更像是一台 Coupe-SUV。但外觀炫歸炫,市場接不接受才是關鍵。以目前的銷售數字來看,ZDX 恐怕得走回比較保守的造型才是。)
ZDX is based from ACCORD CROSSTOURER. It locates at the same segment set by BMW X6. X6 combines SAV and Sportsback. It was accepted by the customers very soon. When there is no other rivals presented, HONDA rapidly settled CROSSTOURER and ZDX down. People who like the X6 but unaffordable could turn their pocket to HONDA or ACURA. ZDX is more fasionate than CROSSTOURER because the image for ACURA is more adequate for this segment than HONDA's.
Certainly, it should be supported in North America. For Asian, this design is too advanced to accept. GAC-HONDA builds CROSSTOURER in Mainland China and suffered greatly unsalable very soon. ZDX also premiered in 2011 ShangHai Car Show. ACURA China has no idea when to go sell because the survey from the comment is not positive. ACURA sold fewer and fewer vehicles very year in Mainland China. If they rashly release ZDX to market, the local ACURA dealers might close the coporation due to too few profit.
It plays the same ball in Taiwan. No matter ZDX or CROSSTOURER has no chance to be accept by major. It is surprised to see that there is parallel importer take ZDX to Taiwan, which is a kind of risky investment!