「HQ3」顧名思義是第三代紅旗轎車,也就是繼 CA770、CA7460 之後的第三代紅旗旗艦房車。然而 HQ3 也跟二代紅旗一樣,只是捧錢給外國人買個 CKD 回來,對於一汽的造車能力一點也沒有幫助。HQ3 比起先前的 CA7460 算是好一些,畢竟投產當時,HQ3 原型車 UZS182 CROWN MAJESTA 還算是最新款的產品,而且外型方面的修改是全部交給一汽自己去發揮,不像 CA7460 根本是美國人在倒垃圾,連外型、配件都是美國人設計好的,一汽只能全盤吞進去。
不過交給一汽這個修改外觀重責大任,一汽倒也不怎麼爭氣,就是把水箱罩改成直瀑鍍鉻,其他可以說是「不變應萬變」,印證一汽已經失去汽車設計能力的說法。然而 HQ3 誕生的時點,正好大陸與日本外交關係還不錯,所以 HQ3 順利進軍官車以及特殊車款的市場,也就打造了兩種特別版本的 HQ3。第一款特別版是中央加長 20 公分的長軸版,於車展發表以後就沒有下文,據說打造的那兩台都丟在一汽的倉庫裡;另一台就是這款敞篷檢閱車。
("HQ3" represents the third generation of HongQi<RedFlag> Flagship. Along with CA770 and CA7460, HQ3 is also built for government use. But through HQ3, we couldn't find any evidence to support that HongQi has improved the technology of automobile production. HQ3 is definitely borrowed from TOYOTA CROWN MAJESTA. HongQi only fixed the front grill and add some badges to show its logo. Nothing else is different from CROWN MAJESTA, and even HQ3 were built under CKD. Onething very interesting is that due to 95% the same as CROWN MAJESTA and CKD, HQ3 has the best quality among every vehicles that FAW ever built! Maybe FAW also noticed that, they set an unbelieveable price for HQ3. The highest level HQ430 asks 888,000RMB. The base version still asks more than 550,00RMB. Certainly, HQ3 faced very big struggle on market-selling. FAW has no choice but to drop the MSRP about 20% and renamed HQ3 to "盛世", which means Grand Age. That really made effort but not very well. FAW closed HQ3 prodution later.
Since HQ3 is an official car. HQ3 also made some special version such as streched limousine and open car. The following photos were taken at "HongQi Display" in headquater of FAW. FAW built only one HQ3 open car, and this car was only used twice. After those two brief public street show, this open car was towed to FAW for Model Car use. Not to mention how much FAW had spent to build this model.)
因應後座乘客需求,這台檢閱車也是加長 20 公分做扶把
奇怪的是,這款檢閱車用的還只是 3.0 引擎,而非頂級的 4.3
一汽花一大筆錢打造了這麼一台檢閱車,結果...只用了兩次...。一次是太空人(好像是神舟六號)回北京遊街的時候,另外一次就不太清楚是什麼場合,可見這台車不被怎麼當一回事。好笑的是,後來神舟七號太空人回來遊街的時候,竟然搭的是奇瑞的山寨車,這台造價高昂的 HQ3 檢閱車就這麼被丟在長春吃灰塵。
覺得大陸人這樣花一堆人民血汗錢打造一台用兩次的檢閱車很可笑嗎?回頭想想,至少大陸人還是掛上自己的品牌 logo 開出去遊街,臺灣從盤古開天地以來,檢閱車都是美國貨,枉費臺灣這麼多間生產汽車的廠商,枉費這麼多檢閱的機會,沒能讓臺灣的產品在媒體上露面向世界宣傳,我們憑什麼嘲笑大陸人?
(This HQ3 has no roof, no sliding seat, no anymore job to go on street. Anyway, it is a Mainland China Brand. No matter how much money spent, how many people hard worked, it is a symbolic of Mainland China to show off the world. But there were ten car-manufactures in Taiwan at climax, no one ever built Presidental Car or Open car for government. It really wastes a lot of good chance to show off to the world. I sincerly hope that Luxgen could take the job done. To let people around world know that good craftmanship of automobile product could be made by Taiwan.)