




這份資料庫包含了幾間知名的歐洲博物館,比方 Audi、Steyer Werk、Mercedes-Benz、PORSCHE、Brukner Oldieklinik、Technisches Museum Wien、Mercedes-Benz Classic 等博物館展車,未來將與先前在日本個汽車博物館拍攝的照片合在一起推出新的系列文章做介紹。先來看幾張精彩的照片吧!

(When I went to car museum in Japan this January, I was shocked by that display. But I know that would be more impressive if displayed by european. Car was invented by european and European owns the longest manufactureship in this industry. I ever went to europe three times. I could feel and touch the wonderful environment for the develope of culture of automobile. Too bad is the long distance between Asia and Europe makes the huge count on the fee and time. Thanks that I spied a certain secret data base in Beijing and fetched some good pictures taken in some of european car museums include AUDI, Steyer Werk, Mercedes-Benz, PORSCHE, Brukner Oldieklinik, Technisches Museum Wien and Mercedes-Benz Classic. There is a pity that the introduction boards beside the cars weren't taken picture together. It seems that I have to find out the detail of them by myself. But I believe that every vistors here could help me to polish.)

AUDI 博物館裡面少數幾台「仿銀箭」的概念車

Mercedes-Benz 博物館門口,放的盡是商用車?!

好車滿地的 Mercedes-Benz Classic,大陸釣魚台賓館的 W100 也曾送過來這邊

Brukner Oldieklinik 主要以老車修復為主打,所以得擺些夠吸引人的傢伙

PORSCHE 博物館事前幾年盛大開張的,裡面搞得相當有排場,幾乎 PORSCHE 原廠珍藏的車輛全員出動



(These photos will be introduced together with those taken in Japan Automobile museums. Please sit behind the screen...)


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